Water bottle designed with Marabu Porcelain & Glas Painter

Whether it is for your own use or as a gift – everything tastes far better when drunk from a carefully designed water bottle. Marabu Porcelain & Glas Painter allows you to transform a simple glass bottle into an object decorated with personal messages or an attractive design. Place your own painting templates in the water bottle and copy a design or simply paint the bottle freehand.

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…additionaly things you need

abrasive cleaner and a sponge


  • Do not paint the drinking rim and lid of the bottle.Store markers horizontally.

How it is done:

  • Clean the bottle with an abrasive cleaner and a sponge before painting. Then wipe it down with white spirit to ensure that it is free from dust and grease.
  • Shake the markers well with the cap on. Pump by slowly pressing down the tip several times until the ink shows. Test the markers on a piece of paper.
  • Then paint directly onto the mug. Leave the paint to dry for 4 hours.
  • Place the bottle without its lid in the pre-heated oven and fire for 30 minutes at 160°C. Leave to cool down in the oven. The bottle is now dishwasher safe up to 50°C.

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