Circus flair to the point with Marabu Dot Pens

Clear the ring for all circus fans! These easy-to-make cards with the Marabu Dot Pen bring a bit of circus feeling home and enchant without any great artistry.

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Tips and Tricks

  • The DOT PEN paint is vegan and suitable for many light and dark surfaces such as paper, wood, stone, glass, porcelain and textiles (up to 20% synthetic fibre content).
  • After designing with the Marabu Dot Pen, leave the fabric to dry flat for 72 hours. After that, the Dot Pen can be washed inside out at 30° C delicates in a washing net.

How it is done:

  • Cover the work area and prepare the working materials.
  • First test the Marabu Dot Pen on a separate sheet of paper and set a test point. If the paint flows quickly out of the container, you can start.
  • Lay the design templates flat on the background and dot them with the colourful Dot Pen shades as desired.
  • The paint forms itself into raised dots. The size of the dots can be varied by the amount applied.
  • Leave the designed templates lying down to dry for approx. 12 hours.

DIY Mandala Flower Vase with Marabu Dot Pen

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