Dot stretcher with Marabu Acrylic Color

Point by point to the work of art! This is very easy with a stippling brush and acrylic paint. With this technique, stretcher frames can be designed in an instant with great color combinations.

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How it is done:

  • Prepare the work area and get the materials ready. In the first step, place the yellow and orange tones on the mixing palette and, using the stenciling brush, dab them onto one half of the canvas, dot by dot. The tones can also be mixed with each other to achieve the widest possible color spectrum. Allow the applied dots to dry so that they do not mix with the upcoming dots.
  • Then add the green tones to the mixing palette and dab them onto the other half of the canvas. Again, mix the tones with each other to expand the color spectrum. Allow the dots to dry briefly.

    For a color transition between the two color worlds, mix green tones with orange tones and dab the resulting brown tones in the transition area. Allow everything to dry again.
  • When the colors are completely dry, add highlights in light shades of beige and green. Finally, let everything dry thoroughly and decorate.

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