Flamingo lampshade with Marabu YONO Marker

This delightful new housemate spreads tropical flair. With a few YONO markers and the watercolour technique, an inconspicuous lampshade can be transformed into an extravagant lamp that catches everyone’s eye!

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textile lampshade
Tips and Tricks

  • The water tank brush can be easily filled with a pipette.

How it is done:

  • Separate the lampshade from the base and clean it if necessary. The surface of the shade must be clean, dry and free of grease.
  • Transfer the motif on the lampshade with a pencil. Before using the YONO marker for the first time, shake it for 60 seconds with the cap closed and gently press the tip onto some paper several times to activate the ink flow. When the tip is full of ink, write on the marker on the test paper.
  • Then create the flamingo motif with the YONO marker. First trace the contours and then create the body, the beak and the eye.
  • Now you can create great effects with the water tank brush. Fill the water tank brush with clean water. Trace the contours of the flamingo again with the black YONO marker and then watercolour the dark YONO marker line with the water tank brush as long as the paint is not yet dry. The water from the water tank brush dilutes the colour application of the YONO Marker and can be painted and watercoloured. Repeat the same procedure for the flamingo feathers with the shade pink to create soft colour transitions and shading on the flamingo body.
  • Finally, let everything dry well and mount the lampshade back onto the base.

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