Fluid painting with Marabu Alcohol Ink Neon

Megatrend Neon! Flowing designs, unpredictable color gradients and exciting techniques – also with Alcohol Ink Neon! And if you want to add some contrast, just apply fonts and designs to the dried Alcohol Ink surfaces with the black, alcohol-based Permanent Marker.

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  • Marabu Alcohol Ink is suitable for non-absorbent surfaces (e. g. coated special paper, glass, metal, porcelain, etc.). Please note, that Alcohol Ink is not dishwasher safe and only suitable for art objects/decorative items. It is not food-safe or saliva-proof and must not be used on cut surfaces or drinking edges.
  • Keep away from open flames (e.g. candles), as Alcohol Ink is highly flammable.

How it is done:

  • First cover the work surface and clothing. We recommend wearing disposable gloves and a protective mask and opening a window. Have all working materials ready.
  • Open the Alcohol Ink bottles. Remove the cap and prick the top of the bottle with a pin needle.
  • Apply Alcohol Ink Neon onto the surface.
  • Of course it is also possible to work with several neon colors. To do this, drip the individual neon colors one after the other onto the surface. Each drop spreads independently. If you drop a color directly next to or into another color drop, it will be displaced. A great effect is created.
  • Allow to dry or use various techniques before drying.
  • For the Wispy Layer technique, for example, drip Alcohol Ink Neon onto the surface and then blow-dry carefully and slowly from the outside to the inside with a hairdryer (cold setting). The liquefied color collects in the inner area. Continue until the paint is dry.
    Then apply Alcohol Ink Extender to the outer edges and repeat the blow-drying process. This will create thin, delicate layers of ink (wispy layers). Allow to dry well.
  • For the Colour Splash Technique, drop Alcohol Ink onto the surface. Then drip Alcohol Ink Extender over it. This will liquefy the ink and increase its flow properties. Next, blow out the color from the inside to the outside with a hole blower. Allow to dry well.
  • Then paint on fonts, flowers, lines, etc. with the high-contrast Permanent Marker or work out details.
  • Special: The elastic mounting adhesive Marabu Fixogum is perfectly suited as a masking agent in combination with Marabu Alcohol Ink. Apply Fixogum to the substrate (e.g. writings, lines, etc.) and let dry well. Then create neon colors with Alcohol Ink as described above and let dry overnight. Afterwards, the Fixogum glue can be simply rubbed off the surface and the painted motif will appear.

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