Gingerbread house with Marabu KiDS craft paint

It might look good enough to eat, but this delightful little house is actually made from wood, not gingerbread. Painted with craft paint and 3D pens, it makes the perfect Christmas decoration!

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…additionaly things you need

cotton wool

How it is done:

  • Follow the instructions provided to build the house. Use the sand paper (included in the craft pack) to smooth any rough areas.
  • Prime the house in white and allow to dry. Use the sponge to apply an opaque coat of brown paint and again allow to dry.
  • Use the white, rose pink and pink 3D Liners to decorate the house as shown in the picture. Finally, allow to dry for at least 6 hours.
  • Puff up the paint in a preheated oven at 150°C. Depending on your design, it takes between 2 and 15 minutes for the paint to become matt and raised so it looks like icing.
  • Fill the chimney with a little cotton wool.

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