Leaf garland with Marabu Vegas Glitter

When it slowly gets colder outside and the leaves turn colorful, it’s time to make yourself comfortable within your own four walls. This leaf garland brings an autumnal mood into the house and conjures up a beautiful atmosphere.

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…additionaly things you need

Autumn leaves (dried & pressed)
Wooden chopsticks for stirring
Paper to put underneath
Hot glue
Cotton cord (e.g. macramé yarn)
Tips and Tricks

  • It is best to leave the decorated leaves to dry on a plastic sheet (e.g. an old plastic bag) so that they can be easily removed from the surface later.

How it is done:

  • First stir the Vegas Glitter Paste thoroughly.
  • The Vegas Glitter Paste is then applied to the dried autumn leaves using a painting knife. The leaves can be completely covered with the paste or only partially covered. Then leave to dry thoroughly.
  • Once the glitter paste has dried, the stems of the leaves can be cut off.
  • Finally, use hot glue to attach the leaves to a cotton cord. To do this, apply a few drops of glue to the underside of the leaves and then place the leaves on the cord one after the other.

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