Upcycling old Christmas baubles with Marabu GREEN alkyd paint

They are lying dormant in many boxes: old Christmas baubles from years gone by. They’re no longer up to date, but too good to throw away. With a few brush strokes, the baubles get a new coat of paint in the trendy Christmas colour. Perfect for the latest Christmas decorations!

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Tips and Tricks

  • Different brush strokes can also be created with different width brushes. Feel free to be creative and experiment a little.
  • Not only with the wide surface of a brush, but also with the edge beautiful effects can be applied.

How it is done:

  • First cover the work area well and prepare the working materials. Remove the hanger from the balls and clean the balls. They should be clean, dry and free of grease.
  • Shake up the GREEN alkyd paint in cream white and pour some paint onto a mixing palette or a piece of cardboard. Pick up the paint with a paintbrush and apply a covering coat of primer to the balls. Allow the white primer to dry thoroughly.
  • In the meantime, shake up the other colours and pour them onto a mixing palette or card. First test the motif on a piece of paper with a brush so that you can test the best combination of colours and strokes. Then create the spheres with simple brush strokes in your favourite colours. Allow time for the paint to dry between each application of duktus and colour. Otherwise the wet colours will mix.
  • Finally, let everything dry well and put the ball hangers back on.

Upcycling old Christmas baubles with Marabu GREEN alkyd paint

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