Upcycling a badminton racket into wall decoration using Marabu GREEN alkyd paint

These wooden rackets are perfect for this purpose. Old badminton rackets can be upcycled into a colorful wall decoration with a mirror and space for postcards, photos, or jewelry.

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How it is done:

  • First, remove any rubber grips and sand down the wooden part of the mallets to remove most of the varnish and paint.
  • The wooden parts can be painted with Marabu GREEN alkyd paint, including the bats. Apply a second coat of paint after the first one has dried to achieve an opaque result.
  • The bats can now be painted with patterns using a thinner brush in a contrasting color.
  • To create the mirror version, apply hot glue to the back of a 15 cm round mirror and attach it to the strings. Photos and pictures can be stretched between the strings or attached with small clips.

Wall decoration using old vinyl records and Marabu YONO markers

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