Design a wall clock with Marabu DO IT craft paint, marker and color spray

An inexpensive wall clock (e.g. from IKEA) becomes an absolute eye-catcher with this hack. A powerful combination: DO IT Colorspray, Craft Paint and Craft Marker and the wall clock is hardly recognizable.

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Tips and Tricks

  • Twist off the cap and off you go: the Marabu DO IT Craft Marker does not need to be pumped up. It is immediately ready for use!

How it is done:

  • First remove the dial and disassemble the movement. Then cover the working area well and protect the working environment from the DO IT spray mist of the paint. It is best to spray outdoors or provide adequate ventilation.
  • Carefully remove the actuators from the cans and remove the red safety valve. Replace the actuators and caps and shake the cans for 2-3 minutes. Spray the cans on newspaper first to make sure there are no solids in the actuator.
  • Now spray the clock from a distance of 20 to 30 cm and from different sides to ensure that each area is evenly covered with paint. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly.
  • Use a soft pencil to carefully draw geometric patterns on the clock. Then, using a fine brush, paint the areas with DO IT Craft Paint in orange, pink, and lime. Allow the first coat to dry thoroughly.
  • While the DO IT Craft Paint is drying, other areas of the clock can be painted with the DO IT Craft Markers in orange and pink.
  • If necessary, apply a second coat of DO IT Craft Paint to give the entire clock a colorful finish.
  • Finally, paint the clock hands in white with the DO IT Craft Marker.
  • The movement can now be reinstalled and the disk attached to the watch.

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